Empowering Rural India through Gramhir Action

Empowering Rural India through Gramhir Action


Gramhir action is an action aimed at empowering pastoral India by providing access to quality education, healthcare, and livelihood opportunities. It is a joint initiative of Tata Trusts, one of India’s largest humanitarian organizations, and several NGOs and government agencies.

The name “Gramhir” is derived from two Hindi words, ‘gram’ meaning village, and ‘hir’ meaning substance. The action focuses on creating sustainable models for pastoral development that can be replicated in other parts of the country.


India is primarily an agricultural society, with over 60% of its population living in rural areas. However, these areas have been neglected for a long time, and people living in these regions have been deprived of basic amenities like education, healthcare, and sanitation.

The government of India has launched several initiatives to address these issues, but the results have been slow and uneven. Recognizing the need for a more focused and sustainable approach to rural development, the Tata Trusts launched the Gramhir action in 2017.


The Gramhir action has a multi-pronged approach to rural development, focusing on four crucial areas – education, healthcare, livelihoods, and community development.


The education program of Gramhir aims to improve the quality of education in rural areas by providing access to digital resources, training teachers, and setting up model schools. The program also focuses on improving the enrollment and retention rates of girls in schools, as they are often the most marginalized group in rural areas.


The healthcare program of Gramhir aims to improve the health and well-being of people living in rural areas by setting up telemedicine centers, providing mobile medical vans, and training healthcare workers. The program also focuses on preventive healthcare and awareness campaigns to promote healthy habits and prevent diseases.


The livelihood program of Gramhir aims to create sustainable livelihood opportunities for people living in rural areas by promoting entrepreneurship, skill development, and market linkages. The program also focuses on promoting organic farming and sustainable agricultural practices to improve the productivity and profitability of small farmers.

Community Development,

The community development program of Gramhir aims to promote social cohesion, gender equality, and community participation in decision-making. The program focuses on building the capacity of community leaders and promoting community-led initiatives for sustainable development.


The Gramhir action has been implemented in cooperation with several NGOs and government agencies. The initiative has been launched in six states of India, namely Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Odisha, and Chhattisgarh. The implementation is done in a phased manner, with each phase focusing on one or two crucial areas of intervention.

The initiative has set up model schools, telemedicine centers, and mobile medical vans in the target areas. It has also provided training to teachers, healthcare workers, and community leaders. The initiative has promoted entrepreneurship and skill development through various training programs and provided market linkages to small farmers and rural artisans.


The Gramhir action has had a significant impact on the lives of people living in rural areas. The initiative has improved the enrollment and retention rates of girls in schools, improved the health and well-being of people living in rural areas, and created sustainable livelihood opportunities for them. The initiative has also promoted social cohesion, gender equality, and community participation in decision-making.


The Gramhir action faces several challenges, such as the lack of infrastructure, limited access to resources, and the resistance of traditional communities to change. The initiative also faces challenges in terms of sustainability and scalability, as replicating the initiative in other parts of the country requires significant resources and support.

Future Plans,

The Gramhir action plans to expand its reach to other states in India and consolidate its impact in the areas where it is currently

Still, the design has been successful in creating sustainable models for pastoral development that can be replicated in other corridors of the country. The design has also been suitable to work technology to reach remote areas and give access to quality education and healthcare.

Unborn Plans:

The Gramhir action plans to expand its reach to further countries in India and consolidate its impact in the areas where it’s presently being enforced. The design also aims to strengthen its hookups with NGOs and government agencies and produce further sustainable models for pastoral development.

The Gramhir action will also continue to address the challenges it faces in terms of sustainability and scalability, as well as the lack of structure and coffers in pastoral areas. The design will also continue to work towards addressing the resistance of traditional communities to change, promoting social cohesion, and gender equality.


The Gramhir action is a significant step towards empowering pastoral India and creating sustainable models for pastoral development. The design has had a significant impact on the lives of people living in pastoral areas, and its success can be attributed to its multi-pronged approach, hookups with NGOs and government agencies, and the use of technology to reach remote areas.

Despite the challenges, the Gramhir action has shown that with the right approach and hookups, sustainable pastoral development is possible, and pastoral India can achieve substance. The Gramhir action provides a template for sustainable rural development that can be emulated in other parts of India and other developing countries.

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