The Strategic Use of Hurdles in PUBG

The Strategic Use of Hurdles in PUBG

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In the competitive world of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG), the battlefield is more than just an open ground for firefights. Every element of the environment plays a significant role in shaping the outcome of a match. Among these elements, hurdles—or obstacles scattered throughout the map—are often overlooked. Yet, they hold the potential to give players a critical advantage in terms of strategy, positioning, and survival.

This article delves into the importance of hurdles in PUBG gameplay. We’ll explore how players can strategically use obstacles to boost performance, enhance combat dynamics, and gain an edge. Mastering obstacles is essential for both beginners and seasoned players.

Awareness Of  Hurdles in PUBG

PUBG’s maps are filled with various types of obstacles—walls, fences, containers, rocks, vehicles, and natural barriers like trees and boulders. These elements serve multiple purposes in the game, including offering cover, providing opportunities for ambushes, and creating choke points. However, hurdles specifically refer to those environmental elements that players can vault or climb over, such as fences, short walls, and windows. The act of overcoming these obstacles introduces a layer of dynamic movement and positioning that can turn the tide of battle.

The key to success in PUBG lies in how well a player can adapt to their environment. While shooting skills and reflexes are essential, understanding how to navigate obstacles and use them to your advantage is equally important.

How Many Types of Hurdles in PUBG

  1. Fences and Low Walls: These are common across PUBG maps and can be vaulted over with relative ease. Some fences can be destroyed, while others require vaulting or climbing to bypass. These hurdles often come into play when moving between urban areas or enclosed compounds.
  2. Windows: Vaulting through windows is a critical aspect of quick mobility, especially in urban combat zones. They can be used to evade pursuers, enter buildings stealthily, or escape a tricky situation.
  3. Containers and High Walls: These larger obstacles require precise vaulting or climbing to overcome. They offer excellent cover and can sometimes be used to access elevated positions, providing a tactical vantage point in open battles.
  4. Natural Hurdles (Rocks, Fallen Trees): While not always valuable, rocks and fallen trees serve as natural hurdles that can be used for cover or strategic movement. These obstacles are especially useful in open fields or rural areas of the map.
  5. Vehicles: In a pinch, vehicles left in the environment can act as hurdles. Players can vault over cars or trucks to confuse opponents during a firefight or use them as temporary cover.

 Tactical Advantages of Hurdles in PUBG

1. Creating a Temporary Cover

In the heat of battle, finding cover is often the difference between life and death. Natural cover like trees and rocks is crucial, but barriers like fences, walls, and containers offer vital protection from enemy fire. These obstacles provide essential shielding in combat situations. By positioning yourself behind these obstacles, you can take cover, heal, reload, or plan your next move.

Experienced players use hurdles to create a rhythm of movement, constantly shifting from one point of cover to another. This prevents opponents from easily tracking their position and makes it difficult for snipers or other enemies to land a clean shot.

2. Controlling Engagements

In PUBG, engagements are often won or lost based on positioning. Hurdles play a significant role in determining how and when a player engages the enemy. For example, by quickly vaulting over a wall or through a window, a player can initiate a surprise attack, catching the opponent off guard.

Conversely, hurdles can be used defensively to disengage from a fight. If you’re outnumbered or outgunned, vaulting over a fence or through a window allows you to retreat and reposition. This quick maneuver can frustrate enemies and buy you time to plan a counterattack or call for reinforcements from your squad.

3. Enhancing Mobility

Mobility is one of the most critical factors in PUBG’s survival-based gameplay. Efficient movement across the map, especially in urban areas, can make the difference between securing the best loot or being caught in the crossfire. Vaulting over fences, walls, and windows can help you navigate the map quickly and avoid bottlenecks or exposed areas.

Hurdles also allow players to take shortcuts through buildings or compounds, reducing the time spent in the open where they are vulnerable to snipers or ambushes. Moreover, by mastering the timing and mechanics of vaulting, players can move fluidly through combat zones, which not only looks impressive but also makes them harder to hit.

4. Setting Up Ambushes

Ambushing opponents is a key element of PUBG’s tactical gameplay, and hurdles play a significant role in this aspect. Vaulting over a window or wall allows you to take up unexpected positions that your enemies might not anticipate. For example, you can vault through a window to flank opponents inside a building or use a fence to silently approach an unsuspecting enemy squad.

Additionally, hurdles can be used to set up traps. By luring enemies into an area filled with obstacles, you can control the flow of battle. As they struggle to vault over walls or fences, you can pick them off with ease, as their movement will be predictable and limited.

5. Navigating Hot Zones

Hot zones—areas with high player density and frequent firefights—such as Pochinki, Bootcamp, or Pecado, are notorious for their intensity. In these zones, survival often depends on how well a player can move and adapt to the chaotic environment. Hurdles become incredibly useful here, as they allow players to evade gunfire, access better loot positions, and navigate tight, crowded spaces efficiently.

Vaulting through windows or hopping fences allows players to bypass chokepoints, reduce exposure to enemy fire, and even escape ambushes. It also helps in staying unpredictable; by constantly shifting positions through hurdles, players can confuse enemies, making it harder for them to land shots.

Game Mechanics, Mastering Vaulting and Climbing

  1. Timing is Key: Vaulting is not instantaneous. There is a brief animation period where you’re vulnerable, so it’s crucial to time your vaults carefully. Vaulting too early can leave you exposed while vaulting too late could result in being pinned down by enemy fire.
  2. Use Sprinting Vaults: Vaulting while sprinting allows you to cover more ground quickly. It’s especially useful when trying to escape a firefight or surprise an enemy. However, it’s important to practice this movement to avoid accidentally missing the vault or mistiming it.
  3. Be Aware of Sounds: Vaulting makes noise, which can give away your position to nearby enemies. If you’re trying to be stealthy, avoid unnecessary vaulting or time your vaults when gunfire or explosions mask the sound.
  4. Vaulting as a Team: When playing in squads, coordinating vaults can give your team a significant advantage. By vaulting together over a fence or into a building, you can overwhelm opponents before they have a chance to react.

Advanced Strategies for Competitive Play

1. Choke Point Control

In competitive play, teams often set up ambushes or defensive positions around choke points—narrow areas surrounded by obstacles where players are forced to pass through. By using hurdles, players can quickly reposition and change angles, making it difficult for opponents to predict their movements.

2. Zone Management

As the play zone shrinks, the remaining safe areas often become cluttered with obstacles. Mastering vaulting and using hurdles to your advantage in the late-game circles is crucial. Players who can quickly adapt to the changing terrain by vaulting over fences, walls, and other obstacles are more likely to control the final engagements and secure a win.

3. Vertical Combat

Certain maps in PUBG, such as Sanhok and Miramar, feature areas with significant elevation differences. Using high walls, containers, and rocks as hurdles, players can access elevated positions for better visibility and tactical superiority. Vaulting onto rooftops or climbing onto high walls gives you a s-eye view of the battlefield, making it easier to spot enemies and control the fight from above.

Strategies for Using a Green Suit in PUBG

  • Prone Tactics: While wearing a green suit, taking advantage of prone positions in grassy fields or forested areas can make you nearly invisible to enemies scanning the terrain.
  • Stealth Play: Combine the green suit with stealthy movements—crouching, moving through cover, and avoiding open areas—to maximize your camouflage potential.
  • Map Selection: Green suits work best on maps like Sanhok or Erangel due to the abundance of natural cover. On desert maps like Miramar, however, a green outfit may stand out against the sandy and arid environment, making it less effective.

Critical advantages of using hurdles, like rooftops

  1. Elevated Positioning: Rooftops offer a height advantage, allowing you to spot enemies from a distance and monitor the battlefield with a wider view.
  2. Improved Line of Sight: From a rooftop, you gain better sightlines for engaging opponents, making it easier to land shots while staying less exposed to enemies on the ground.
  3. Tactical Ambushes: Rooftops provide unique angles for surprise attacks, allowing you to catch enemies off guard, especially when they don’t expect shots from above.
  4. Enhanced Cover: Rooftops often provide cover, such as chimneys or structures, while still allowing for flexible movement, making it harder for enemies to predict or land shots.
  5. Escape and Mobility: Hurdles like rooftops also offer an escape route, giving you the ability to reposition quickly by jumping down or vaulting to a nearby structure, keeping you agile and elusive in combat situations.


The use of hurdles in PUBG may seem like a minor aspect of gameplay, but it’s a vital component that can significantly enhance a player’s tactical capabilities. Mastering the art of vaulting, using obstacles for cover, and strategically navigating through hurdles can give players the upper hand in both casual matches and competitive environments.

As players continue to evolve and refine their skills, understanding and utilizing hurdles becomes a key factor in outsmarting opponents and securing that coveted Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner. Whether you’re a solo player or part of a squad, learning how to use the environment to your advantage is essential for long-term success.

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