Singapore PR Application Rejected

Singapore PR Application Rejected


Suppose your Singapore Permanent Residency (PR) application has been rejected. In that case, it can be a bit sad, but it’s important to understand the reasons for the rejection and how to address them for future attempts. Here’s what you should know and how you can proceed:

Common Reasons for PR Application Rejection

  1. Inadequate Supporting Documents:
    • Missing or incomplete documentation can lead to rejection. Ensure that all required documents are submitted accurately and completely.
  2. Insufficient Contribution to Singapore:
    • The ICA assesses how your professional, educational, and personal contributions align with Singapore’s needs and goals. Insufficient demonstration of how you contribute or will contribute to Singapore’s economy and society can be a factor.
  3. Employment and Salary Concerns:
    • For the Professional, Technical Personnel, and Skilled Workers (PTS) Scheme, low salary or job instability might impact your application. Ensure your employment status and income meet the criteria set by the ICA.
  4. Educational Qualifications:
    • If your qualifications do not align with the professional or educational standards expected by the ICA, this could be a reason for rejection. Ensure that your qualifications and their relevance are well-documented.
  5. Family and Personal Information:
    • Issues related to family documentation or personal information might impact the decision. Ensure all personal details, marriage certificates, and birth certificates are correct and valid.
  6. Lack of Integration and Long-Term Plans:
    • The ICA looks for evidence that you are well-integrated into Singaporean society and have a long-term plan that benefits Singapore. Insufficient evidence of integration or long-term commitment can be a factor.

Steps to Take After Rejection

1. Review the Rejection Letter

Carefully review the rejection letter or notification from the ICA. It may not provide specific reasons for the rejection, but it can give you insights into any general areas of concern.

  1. Address Areas of Concern

Identify any potential areas where your application may have fallen short based on the common reasons for rejection. Focus on improving these areas, such as obtaining better documentation, increasing your contribution to Singapore, or enhancing your employment status.

  1. Seek Professional Advice

Consider consulting with an immigration advisor or legal professional who specializes in Singapore PR applications such as Immigration@SG (IASG). They can provide personalized guidance on how to strengthen your application and address specific issues. Call/Whatsapp Immigration@SG at 8766 1966 for a PR appeal or PR reapplication when your application has been rejected.

  1. Gather Updated and Additional Information

If you plan to reapply, gather updated and additional information to support your new application. This could include:

  • Recent pay slips or employment letters.
  • Updated educational and professional certifications.
  • Evidence of community involvement or contributions to Singapore.
  1. Reapply with a Stronger Application

Prepare a new application with a stronger, more comprehensive case. Ensure that you address any deficiencies noted in the previous application and provide robust evidence of your qualifications, contributions, and long-term plans.

  1. Consider the Right Timing

Timing can be important. It may be beneficial to wait a certain period before reapplying, especially if significant changes or improvements are made to your profile. Typically, it’s advisable to wait at least 6-12 months before reapplying to show progress and changes.

  1. Maintain a Positive Profile

In the interim, continue to contribute positively to Singapore through your work, community involvement, and any other activities. Demonstrating ongoing commitment to Singapore can strengthen your application in the future.


While a PR application rejection can be disappointing, it is an opportunity to reassess and improve your application for future attempts. By carefully reviewing the potential reasons for PR rejection, addressing any issues, and reapplying with a stronger application, you can increase your chances of success in securing PR status in Singapore.

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