“Dalili Wala Welfare Society (DWS): Nurturing Community Well-Being and Development”

Dalili Wala Welfare Society (DWS)

1. Introduction

Dalili Wala Welfare Society (DWS) stands as a beacon of community service and development in Mohallah Hayyat Khel, Village Dalili Wala, Tehsil, and District Mainwali, Punjab, Pakistan. With a core mission to provide welfare services, promote peace, and contribute to moral development. DWS engages in diverse initiatives ranging from supplying necessities to underprivileged families to offering support for education and healthcare. This brief introduction encapsulates the society’s commitment to making a positive impact within its defined boundary, fostering a sense of unity, and ensuring the well-being of the community, especially the marginalized members. Here are some of the details about this welfare.

2. Office:

The Office of the Society shall be located at:

Mohallah Hayyat Khel, Village Dalili wala, Tehsil, and District Mainwali Punjab Pakistan

Any change in the address shall be notified to the quarter concerned within 3 weeks.

3. Aims & Objectives:

Within its defined boundary/purview, the Aims and Objectives of “DWS” shall be as under:-

  • Aims:
  • To provide welfare services to the masses through various welfare schemes/activities.
  • To make efforts to promote peace/brotherhood.
  • To work on moral development/character building.
  • Objectives: 
  • To arrange and provide “Ration” to the underprivileged families.
  • To provide financial/material support to underprivileged students and also provide guidance to them in their studies/education.
  • To provide financial aid to the family of a deceased.
  • Provision of medical help to the underprivileged families.
  • Provision of ‘Clothes’ and ‘Meat’ to the underprivileged especially widows and orphans on                       ‘Eid-ul-Fitr’ and ‘Eid-ul-Adha’ respectively.
  • To undertake any such activity that may be helpful in the provision of employment or any other source of income for the unemployed/workless.
  • To undertake any such activity which either does not involve any finances or is low cost but the outcome of such activity is very beneficial for the public i.e to work on promoting peace/brotherhood in the society by settling down the disputes among the people and to work on promoting moral values and character building, etc.

4. Membership

  • Any individual, social worker, industrialist, businessman, benefactor, etc. who can contribute financially/physically to the achievement of objectives of the Society is eligible for membership.
  • An Office Bearer or Member of a political party cannot be a member of DWS but such person may be a donor.
  • There is no boundary limitation for the membership of DWS.

5. Subscription/Donation/Fundraising

To pursue the objectives of the society:

(i) Subscriptions from members and Donations from non-members shall be accepted.

(ii) Fundraising through seminars, public meetings, social media campaigns, etc.

6. Defined boundary

(i) The defined boundary of “DWS” shall be “Dalili wala” village and its adjacent hamlets.

(ii) The boundary of “DWS” shall be defined/decided by a 2/3rd majority of the Executive Body     Members.

7. Termination of Membership

     Upon the recommendation of the Executive Body and with the approval of the President of the Society, the membership of a member shall cease/stand terminated if any member:

  • Resigns from membership.
  • Doesn’t contribute financially/physically for 3 consecutive months, without offering any cogent
  • Is working against the interests of the Society or whose conduct is doubtful or who is involved in any criminal activity or who is a Member/Office Bearer of any political party.

8. Management:

(i) All the enrolled members shall constitute a committee known as the General Body (G&B).

(ii) An Annual General Body meeting shall be held every year preferably on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitar.

(iii) All the records and performance of the given year shall be presented by the Executive Boy to the General Body in the Annual meeting.

(iv) The monthly record of finance (Funds collection and utilization) shall be presented by the finance secretary to the General Body through social media or any other source.

(v) Any member of the General Body who has been supporting the foundation financially for the last consecutive 12 months shall be eligible to become a member of the Executive Body.

(vi) The process of constitution of the Executive Body shall take place every year in the defined period according to rules.

(vii) The process of Election for Office Bearers shall take place after every three years.

  • The process of constitution of the Executive Body and election for Office Bearers shall be managed by the election committee.

(ix) Executive Body meeting shall be held regularly within every two months.

(x) A special Executive Body meeting may be called at any time by the President or General Secretary or on requisition from the 1/3rd members of the total Executive Body members with a day’s notice.

(x) Every notice must be signed by the General Secretary.

9. Function of Executive Body

     The business to be transacted by the Executive Body shall be as under:

  • To confirm the minutes of the previous Executive Body meeting and of any Executive Body meeting the minutes of which have not been confirmed earlier.
  • To deliver the annual work/progress report of the Executive Body to the General Body and all public.
  • To pass the audited statement of annual income and expenditure accounts and the balance sheet.
  • To appoint an auditor amongst the Executive Body members to audit accounts of the society once a year.
  • To elect the office bearers by-elections in the Executive Body as defined in rules.
  • To consider resolutions if any for the amendment of by laws of the society.
  • To adopt any other resolutions to watch the interest of the members.
  • To take up any other matter with the permission of the President.
  • To discuss new ideas and adopt resolutions to improve the performance of the welfare
  • To find the gaps where the welfare society can play its role for the betterment of the underprivileged families.

10. Executive Body and office bearers

The procedure for the constitution of the Executive Body and election of office bearers is as under:-

  • The process of the constitution of the Executive Body shall take place in the 1st decade of January every year.
  • The process of constitution of the Executive Body shall be managed by the election committee.
  • The election committee shall be constituted by the consultation of the previous Executive Body in the last week of December every year.
  • Every member of the General Body who has been supporting the foundation financially with a minimum amount of Rs.500 per month for the last 12 months can become a member of the Executive Body of his own will.
  • After every three years there will be an election for office bearers.
  • The election committee shall be responsible to conduct and complete the process of election for office bearers in January.
  • The process of election shall be decided by the previous Executive Body or by the election committee itself. The election may be held by show hands, online voting, or any other method.
  • Only Executive Body members having hometown “Dalili Wala” shall be eligible for office bearers.
  • There will be the following designations for office bearers:
  • Patron     (one)
  • President  (one)
  • Senior Vice President (one)
  •      Vice Presiden  (one)
  • General Secretar (one)
  • Joint Secretary   (one)
  • Finance Secretary  (one)
  • Information Secretary  (one)
  • Event Organiser  (one)
  • Auditor  (one)

11. Quorum of Executive Body

(i)    The quorum for the meeting of the Executive Body shall be 1/3rd of the total Members.

(ii)   The Executive Body shall normally meet once in 2 months but shall meet at least once in a month. The emergent meeting shall be held on requisition from 1/3rd members of the Executive Body.

(iii) For convening the meeting of the Executive Body, one week’s notice shall be given in advance to the members in writing by the General Secretary, and in case of an emergent meeting 48 hours’ notice shall be given.

(iv) A member who does not attend 4 consecutive meetings of the Executive Body without cogent reasons shall cease to be a member of the Executive Body.

(v) The Executive Body may appoint Sub-Committees to devise/draft Rules and Regulations, By-laws, SOPs, and different  Forms/Proformae and to carry out any other important work for a specified period.

(vi)The Executive Body shall be empowered to approve/finalize the Rules and regulations, Bylaws, SOPs, different Forms/Proformae, etc to carry out the business of the Society smoothly.

12. Bank Account

     The bank account in the name of the Society shall be opened in the National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) and shall be operated jointly by the Finance Secretary (Treasurer) and the General Secretary or the President.

13. Powers and Duties of the President


  • Shall preside over all the meetings of the General Body and the Executive Body.
  • Shall have a casting vote in the event of a tie.
  • Shall exercise financial powers up to the total amount of Rs. 25,000/- in one year.
  • Shall on his initiative call an emergent meeting of the Executive Body and the General Body.
  • Shall generally be responsible for conducting the affairs of the Executive Body and ensuring that the decisions of the Executive Body are fully carried out under his guidance.
  • Is empowered to warn/suspend any member for his misconduct and working against the interests of the Society.

14. Duties of Senior Vice President/ Vice President

The Senior Vice President will function in the absence of the President. He will carry out any duty assigned to him by the President. Likewise, the Vice President will carry out any duty assigned to him by the President.

15. Powers and Duties of General Secretary

Subject to the control of the Executive Body, the General Secretary will be the sole charge of the Office  of the Society and shall be responsible:

(i)         To maintain correctly and up-to-date Correspondence Files, Membership Register, Minutes of meetings, Books, and all such other records.

(ii)        To convene meetings of the General Body and Executive Body and issue notices of meetings in writing under his signature through the Information Secretary through social media for information of the Members.

(iii)   To sign all correspondence and notices etc of the Society.

(iv)   To present the Annual Report of activities of the Society before the General Body.

(v)    To exercise financial power up to the total amount of Rs. 10,000/- in one year.

16. Duties of Joint Secretary

            The Joint Secretary will function in the absence of the General Secretary and will also assist the General Secretary as and when required by the General Secretary.

17. Duties of Finance Secretary/Treasurer

            To keep accounts of income and expenditure and is responsible for:

  • For keeping money in safe custody.
  • To present monthly statements of receipt and expenditure to the General Body through the General       Secretary in meetings or through social media.
  • To collect subscriptions from the members and donations from the non-members and issue receipts and  make necessary entries thereof:
  • To keep with him imprest money up to the amount of Rs. 40,000/- as cash in hand and over and above the amount deposited in the bank as decided upon by the Executive Body.
  • To make payments of bills after they have been verified by the General Secretary or the President.
  • To prepare an Annual Report of receipt and expenditure statement to be presented in the Annual meeting of the General Body along with the balance sheet through the General Secretary.
  • To assist the General Secretary as and when required by the General Secretary.
  • To get the Annual Accounts audited from the Auditor.

18. Duties of Information/Media Secretary

  (i)  To record all the proceedings/minutes of the meetings and convey these minutes of meetings to the members who could not attend the meeting due to some cogent reason.

(ii) To convey all the activities of the Society to all members and the public through social media or using any other source with the permission of the General Secretary or the President.

(iii) To build the positive image of the Society using social media or other Media sources.

(iv) To propagate the messages, aims, objectives, and vision of the Society to the whole public using social media.

(v) To assist the General Secretary as and when required by the General Secretary.

19. Event Organizer

Event Organizer shall arrange and organize all functions of the Society.

20. Auditor

The Auditor shall audit accounts, monthly income and expenditure, and annual income and expenditure at least once a year. The auditor may audit the accounts more than once in a            year.

21. General

(i)  The Society may affiliate with any other organization having kindred aims and objectives subject to decision/approval by a three-fourths majority of the members of the Executive Body.

(ii)  No amendment shall be made in the Rules & Regulations/Bye-law/SOPs etc except by a two-thirds majority of total Executive Body Members. Notice for such amendment has to be given in writing to the General Secretary at least one week before the meeting and will be considered by the Executive Body before being brought on the Agenda.

(iii) As the working progress of DWS is improving day by day, the aims and objectives of “DWS” can be broadened with the recommendations of 2/3rd majority of the Executive Body, and rules and regulations shall also be modified accordingly to meet new needs and changing requirements & demands.

(iv) The Society will not be dissolved unless three-fourths of members so resolved and decided in the meeting of the General Body.


the Dalili Wala Welfare Society (DWS) outlines a comprehensive set of principles, objectives, and operational guidelines aimed at fostering welfare, peace, and moral development within its defined community. By emphasizing financial and material support for the underprivileged, educational assistance, medical aid, and various initiatives to promote peace and brotherhood, DWS demonstrates a commitment to uplifting the community. The structured approach to membership, management, and the election of officebearers ensures transparency and accountability. The society’s dedication to regular meetings, financial responsibility, and community engagement through social media reflects a dynamic and adaptive organization. With a focus on continuous improvement, the flexibility to modify aims and rules, and a stringent dissolution process, DWS sets a robust framework for its members to collectively contribute to the betterment of Dalili Wala and its adjacent hamlets.

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